Cases, In the News, Industries, Industry Analysis, Specialty Retail

The Hottest Runway of 2014: Wall Street

On November 12th, Michael Kors Holding Limited joined the S&P 500, replacing NYSE Euronext (4). The company’s spectacular growth following its IPO in December 2011 has proved to be more than a fad. The Kors brand has laid claim to the fast-growing and seemingly paradoxical niche of ‘affordable luxury’ as the global economy recovers from the financial crisis. The U.S. premium handbag and women’s accessories market is currently estimated to be $10.3 billion dollars (1), and in China, Bain & Co. estimates luxury goods sales to reach up to $21 billion this year (2). In the last three years alone, Michael Kors has already captured an estimated 16% of the market (1).

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Entering a New Market, Practice Cases

Market Entry Cases

Adapted from Marc Cosentino’s Case In Point8th edition (p. 40-42):

Cases involving entering a new market usually require two-part answers:

  1. Should we enter the market?
  2. How do we enter the market, and why?

They do not necessarily have to be answered in that order. Sometimes, uncovering the benefits and risks of the possible options for entry can change your answer to the first question.

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Practice Cases, Profit and Loss, Strategies, Study Hall

Profit and Loss Cases

Adapted from Marc Cosentino’s Case In Point, 8th edition (p. 37-40):

The Profit and Loss case has several variations, but all of them deal with the central framework:

E (P = R – C) M

where E represents the economic situation and M describes the market and/or industry. Within the parentheses, we have Profit = Revenues – Costs.

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KDC 2.0

After a long road trip on the HTML struggle bus, the conversion is finally complete.  Let me know how you feel about the new format and look of the site!

You can also follow KDC on Twitter (@kdoescases) if you would like to stay up to date with the latest articles and bits that I’m reading.  I also post notes regularly on my rougher, on-the-go online scratchpad @encyclo_k.  Happy reading!


Growing Pains

As you may have noticed, KDC recently underwent a website revamp! Unfortunately, some posts were not able to make the transition as smoothly as others, so please excuse any cosmetic inconsistencies (e.g. wonky font sizes, alignment issues). I’ll be working to streamline the formatting over the course of the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience.

Communications, In the News, Industries, Readings, Strategies, Study Hall

Good Luck Leaving Your Wireless Phone Plan

T-Mobile’s latest push to brand itself as the anti-contract wireless provider is a welcome move in a market where confusing and complex two-year contracts are standard practice. However, concerns such as network coverage and speed, data allowance plans, and phone offerings often prevent customers from switching providers. The Wall Street Journal provided the latest update on the state of the industry in its article Good Luck Leaving Your Wireless Phone Plan.

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