Meet K

Unfortunately, I am not a stone-faced agent of a secret intergalactic agency. I am, however, a senior at Brown University studying Economics that watches way too much Food Network programming and has on any given day more coffee and tea than blood rushing through my veins. I apologize if this is somewhat of a letdown. I wish I could wear jet-black sunglasses and save the universe, too.

I love to learn. I’m constantly trying to understand and improve the products and processes that fill our lives. I’m curious about the ‘why’ behind the way things are, and I’m happy to do the digging to find the answer.

My focus now is on the customer experience, both online and offline. I’m fascinated by human psychology and decision making, and it will be exciting to see what big data and analytics can tell us. Outside of my Economics coursework, I am exploring user experience research and evaluation as well as data-driven marketing techniques.

Please feel free to contact me at or connect with me on LinkedIn.

totus tuus,


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