Growth and Increasing Sales, Practice Cases

Growth and Increasing Sales

Adapted from Marc Cosentino’s Case In Point8th edition (p. 45):

It is important to remember that growing a company or increasing sales does not necessarily imply an increase in profits. Growth can mean capturing more market share, improving brand recognition, expanding the customer base, or a number of other objectives. Most commonly, the focus is on increasing sales volume.

Understand the Company

  • What does the company do?
  • What is its product mix?
  • What is the composition of its revenue streams? Its costs?
  • How big is the company? How is its market share?

Analyze the Industry

  • Where is the industry in its life cycle? Is it growing?
  • How is the company faring compared to its competitors?
  • Are the client’s prices in line with its competitors?
  • Is it an easy market to enter? (see Market Entry Cases)
  • How sensitive is the industry to new or changing technology?

Increase Volume

  • Expand distribution channels
  • Diversify the product line (especially in areas that won’t cannibalize existing sales)
  • Create seasonal balance
  • Identify segments of the business that have the highest growth potential
  • Invest in a marketing campaign
  • Acquire a competitor; this is the fastest way to increase market share (see An M&A Checklist)
  • Adjust prices (see Pricing Strategies)

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